Want to fit Spanish into your busy day?

Starting (or restarting) learning Spanish can feel overwhelming, especially when you have no idea where to begin.

Our Simple Guide to Learning Spanish shows you exactly what steps to take to productively learn Spanish - as well as communicate effectively and confidently.

Best of all, it's completely FREE - just click the button below to have it sent your way!


"Rachel gives actionable, realistic tips for learning Spanish.  She helps you work with the way your brain works. The daily practice method is genius!"


¡Hola, Soy Rachel!

And I know exactly what it's like to feel like learning Spanish is an impossible task!

In fact, I first started coming up with my own Spanish learning methods in 1998 when I wanted to join in Spanish conversations with my in-laws and quickly discovered I needed more than college classes and textbooks.

Amazingly enough, it worked! Eventually, I learned how to put simple systems into place to practice Spanish so that I had the skills to communicate clearly in real life. My solutions are practical, and I know that they will help you the same way they helped me!

And if you are ready to build Spanish skills then grab my free Simple Guide to Learning Spanish now - it will show you the 3 simple steps you can take right now that will have an immediate impact (and believe me - they WORK!!)

Used by schools, teachers, and students around the world